GC/MS and HPLC laboratory

GC/MS and HPLC Laboratory is accredited by ČIA o.p.s. Prague under reference number 1167.2.
GC/MS and HPLC Laboratory has been accredited since 2012 and offers services in the field of:

Certificate of accreditation

Accredited services (Certified – Annex):

  • Quantitative determination of centralite I, centralite II and akardite II using gas chromatography – mass spectrometry detection
  • Quantitative determination of nitroglycerin, diphenylamine and 2-nitrodiphenylamine using liquid chromatography

Non-accredited services:

  • Chromatographic determination of presence of trace quantities of explosives in soils, waters and on contaminated objects
  • Chromatographic determination of chemical composition of unknown explosives


Petr Jirásek
tel.: +420 466 825 774
fax: +420 466 822 939
email: [email protected]

Technical contact:

Martina Mudruňková
tel.: +420 466 825 067
fax: +420 466 822 938
email: [email protected]