
Environmental management system according to ISO 14001

In 2008, the requirements of ISO 14001 were implemented into the company’s management systems so that it would be ready for its first successful certification audit in 2009.
A recertification audit was conducted between 12 March and 15 March 2024 and Explosia a.s. received a new integrated ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certificate.

Responsible Care – responsible business in chemistry

The right to use the “Responsible Care – Responsible Business in Chemistry” logo was first granted to Explosia in 2005. After repeated successful defences (most recently in 2020), the company has the right to use the logo until October 2024. The company has now applied to the Association of the Chemical Industry for a review of the company’s management systems with a view to obtaining a new authorisation to use the Responsible Care logo for a further four years.

RC’s 2023 annual report can be downloaded here.
RC’s self-assessment for 2023 can be downloaded here.

Environmental Policy

We prefer the products produced from raw materials which do not exhaust natural resources, we prefer the systems with the lowest possible environmental impact.

We chose distribution system with minimal impact on environment. Our commercial operations shall meet or exceed general rules and directives.

Our objective is the support of use quality explosives and smokeless powders in all processes with the aim to achieve the lowest possible impact on environment.

We are active in supporting permanent improvement of integrated management system by our employees and their engagement in this process.

Adherence to legislation is a minimal standard and self-evident part of all our activities. Increasing of responsibility for protection of health, safety of work and reducing the impacts on environment are the trends accompanying all activities as well as the workmanship of the products.

All employees meet qualification requirements. Conditions are created for permanent improvement of knowledge in the field of technology, protection of health, safety and environment, and also for personal engagement in fulfilment of tasks, following from the company policy.

Our customers and distributors are capable of using, transporting and manipulating with our products in responsible, environmentally friendly way.

Through open communication we continually inform our business partners, customers and public about the influence of our products and processes on environment.

Our business is characterized by open approach in such a way, that the open external communication can be topped by publishing the Annual Environmental Report.

Annual Environmental Reports

Company management welcomes all your opinions and comments, concerning the influence of Explosia a.s.’s activities on environment, the level of working safety and protection of personnel health.

Your opinions and comments can be communicated to the company via: