Powder explosives

Ammonium nitrate-based explosives.



Safety Data heet

The underground blasting explosive PERMONEX® V19 is a powder ammonium nitrate explosive with TNT content. The traditional method of producing it by circulation guarantees perfect homogenization of its components, and high and stable quality. It is used for opencast and underground blasting works in non-explosive environments. It is supplied in cartridges or in bulk. Pneumatic reloading is not allowed. It is used for blasting works in wet and water environments under the conditions mentioned in its instruction manual. No carcinogenic DNT is contained. It is a traditional type of explosive with a wide range of use.



Safety Data Sheet

The opencast explosive PERMON® 10T is a powder ammonium nitrate explosive with TNT content. The traditional method of producing it by circulation guarantees perfect homogenization of its components, and high and stable quality with no need for primers. It is used for opencast blasting works in dry environments. It can be used especially for soft and medium-hard materials. It is supplied in cartridges or in bulk. Pneumatic reloading is not allowed. No carcinogenic DNT is contained.



Safety Data Sheet

The underground blasting explosive PERMON® DAP M is a powder DAP type explosive (ANFO). It is used for opencast and underground blasting works in non-explosive environments. It is usually supplied in bulk and is designed for mechanical reloading and reloading by pouring as well. For reloading of blastholes with the diameter of 43 mm up to 60 mm by pouring, the depth of the blastholes should not exceed 3 m; the depth of the blastholes with a bigger diameter than 60 mm is not limited.
This explosive was launched in 2006 and its production was a reaction to a higher demand in bulk blasting explosives.
Transport identification: UN 0082, Explosive, Type B, 1.1 D, ADR

Permonex 10E

A brand-new ecological powder explosive without any TNT content; will be launched in 2016.
Large-diameter cartridges (50 mm up to 90 mm) are packed in a PE hose.